How to Convert Clients with a Killer Impact Statement


The one-statement sentence that’ll help you sell yourself and your services

Start with the basics. What are you already doing? What is your existing niche? This could be anything, from fashion blogging 👗 to financial consulting 💰. This is your base, your stStruggling to communicate what makes your business so brilliant? Can't convince your potential clients of your value? Freeze up when you have to describe that you do? You need an impact statement, babe!rting point.📍

What is an impact statement? 

An impact statement is a quick and concise description of your business. Think of it like an elevator pitch, but way shorter, sweeter and strategic.

Your impact statement tells your audience what you do in a clear and compelling way and can be used on your website as well as on social media. You can even memorize and say it in-person when prospective clients ask what you do. Handy, huh? 

Why you need an impact statement

An impact statement is a MUST have for your biz and brand, because:

  • It makes it easier than ever to explain what you do (without stumbling or muddling your message!)

  • It makes you more memorable because your message is clear, concise and compelling. 

  • It'll help highlight your unique value (and give you confidence in yourself!)

  • It gives your audience instant clarity when they land on your site so they understand exactly what you do and why it matters.

  • It builds trust in your business and brand. 

  • It makes it easy for others to explain what you do via word of mouth, so you'll get way more referrals. 

… And with all these benefits in place, it’ll make it so much easier for you to convert visitors and strangers into clients!

“But do I really need an impact statement?”

We get it: You’re busy trying to launch and grow your business. You want to invest your time in the things that matter most (and will actually make a difference to your business!)


So, what happens if you skip this step and don’t create an impact statement? Well, the world won’t end. But …

  • Your messaging will be confusing, unclear and possibly (okay, probably) a little dull.

  • You’ll struggle to be memorable to your FYT (F*ck Yes Tribe).

  • Your audience won’t engage – or engage as deeply – with your business because they can’t be bothered wasting time trying to figure out what you do.

  • It’ll be much harder for you to build trust with your audience because they don’t get what you do.

  • Your clients won’t share your impact statement with their friends, family and co-workers (‘cause, y’know, you won’t have one).

  • You’ll have to work a LOT harder to convert new clients because you still have to explain what you do and convince your clients that you’re trustworthy.

“Okay, I NEED an impact statement!”


Woo hoo – we’re glad you’re on board! Now that you know the “why”, let’s talk about the “how” of building your impact statement. 


Because while impact statements might seem super simple, there’s actually a whole lot of thought and strategy that goes into them.

The foundations of a killer impact statement


  1. The identifying action (Hint: Keep your language simple).

  2. The identifying adjective (Hint: This can be your unique approach to your business and product/service).

  3. Your product or service (Hint: This is the meat of what you do.)

  4. Your F*ck Yes Tribe (Hint: These are the peeps you’d LOVE to work with.)

  5. The tangible benefits of your product or service (Hint: This is the true value that you offer.)

Okay, we know it all sounds a little vague and fluffy right now. So, let’s go ahead and look at some examples of well-crafted impact statements.


(These are imaginary impact statements for made-up brands, btw, but we still wouldn’t recommend stealing them word-for-word.)

  1. We bake gluten-free cookies for moms on the go so they can live stress-free, healthy lives.

  2. I create helpful courses for entrepreneurs so they can run their businesses like bosses.

  3. I read spiritual tarot for women so they can see their lives more clearly.

  4. We create meaningful experiences for businesses so they can produce events with ease.

  5. We offer social media management for startups so they can focus on their core business while we build their brand.

  6. I provide personalized coaching for solopreneurs so they can achieve their business goals with confidence.

  7. We deliver high-quality content writing services for bloggers so they can engage their audience and increase traffic.

  8. We create marketing strategies for local businesses so they can reach their target audience effectively.

  9. We offer virtual assistant services for busy professionals so they can manage their workload more efficiently.

  10. I provide SEO optimization for websites so they can rank higher in search engine results and attract more visitors.

Ready to create your own killer impact statement?

Let’s do it! Just download our Create Your Killer Impact Statement and build your best impact statement - step by simple step. 📋✍️

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