How to Work with a Pro Photographer to Get the Best Photos for your Website


Ready to take your brand and website to the next level by investing in professional photography? Hell yeah!

Along with a pro-looking website and compelling copy, professional photography is one of the best – and most important – investments you can make for your business. These three elements work together to create the foundations for a high-converting site (aka one that brings in the dough on demand).

Which is why we’re suuuper excited you’re ready to get the pro photography part sorted for your site!

But before you book it all in, let’s walk you through how to choose the best photographer for you and then get the most out of your photography session together.

How to choose the right photographer for you

Okay, first up, you’re going to choose a photographer. But not just any photographer; we’re going to show you how to select a photography that perfectly suits your style, vision and goals.


And just like when you chose your design bestie (aka us 😉), you should keep your standards HIGH. Don’t settle for someone that doesn’t feel totally right. This is your business and your vision. Let’s get the best for you!


So, with that in mind, here are some tips to narrow down the search for (photographer) soulmate.

  1. Find someone local (or someone you’re willing to travel to). If you’re travelling, make sure you have enough time to prepare for your session. You don’t want feel rushed and flustered all day.

  2. Choose the right type of photographer for you (and yep, there are different types!) Each photographer has their own niche and specialty. From wedding photographers through to family portrait photographers, product photographers, fashion photographers and even pet photographers. For our sassy squad, we recommend working with experienced brand photographers as they specialize in shooting for brands.

  3. Stalk their style. Your photographer’s style should feel aligned with your vision, existing branding and FYT (F*ck Yes Tribe). You might love dark and moody photography personally, but have a bright, playful brand. In that case, you’ll want to focus on finding a brand photographer that has the same style as your brand (not you!) Some common styles are: Clean and bright, natural and soft, boho and natural, high contrast, black and white, retro and vintage, and artistic. Once you’ve found a photographer that fits that style, head over to their Insta, browse their portfolio, and check how their clients have used their photos.

  4. Sus out their approach. And finally, find someone you genuinely click and connect with. You’ll be spending at least a few hours with them and if you get along, you’ll be way more relaxed and at ease (and your photos will look more relaxed and natural, too!)

How to get the most out of your pro photoshoot

Found your photographer soulmate? Yay! Now let’s get you ready to make some awesome photos together.

Step one: Have a plan


Most professional photographers will help you create a strategy for your imagery (or at least ask where they’re being used), but you can make it easier for both of you by thinking about your shoot strategy in advance.


A good place to begin is to consider what photos you need for your website. This will help you plan out your shots together. Here are some of the most common pages a website designer will create for you:


  1. Home page: The most important page on every site! This is your first chance to make a first impression. Shots that tell a great story are crucial here.

  2. About Page: This page is way up there on the list of designer priorities since it gives the client a peek into what the business or brand is all about. In today's connection economy, buyers want who you are before they commit to buying. Most visitors will check this page out before reaching out or making a purchase.

  3. Services or Shop Page: This page is the reason we build the entire site! Every business wants to sell its products or services through their online home. And even if you prefer to make the sale live or later in the process, your website will still be used as a professional credential.

  4. Contact Page: This page is where a buyer can reach out before a sale happens to ask more questions or get clarifying context.


You can use this info to create a checklist of shots that you want to get. For instance, you might want a forward-facing shot for the bio on your home page, but a horizontal shot for the hero header on your sales page.


Two other common types are personality (i.e., the fun shots with your pet or hobby!) and brand centric (i.e., action shots of you doing what you do).


You’ll want to mix up the type of shots, angles and framing to get a good variety of photos that tell a complete story for your biz and brand.

Step two: Know your goals


Next, create a vision for how you want your pro photography to feel and what you want it to achieve.


Moodboards and vision boards are awesome to help you with this part. Jump onto Pinterest and create an inspiration board with poses you love and would like to try out on the day.



  1. Source clothes and locations that match your brand colors and vibes. Be ruthless about keeping everything aligned. You might find something super cute, but if it doesn’t match with your vision and vibe, it isn’t the best option for you. If you have the budget, you can even hire a brand or shoot stylist to take care of this part for you.

  2. Pick props that tell your brand story. If you’re a social media manager, you can have some shots with an iPhone. If you’re a website designer, make sure we get to see your Mac, tablet and sketchbook. And if you’re coach, enlist the help of a friend to sit with you and have a mock “client session”.

  3. Create a photoshoot map. This will keep it easier to stay on track on the day because you’ll have access to your shot list, inspiration, location details and props all in the one place. Want your own photoshoot map? Check out the link below to grab a copy and create your own.

Step three: Go and have some fun!


With all the planning and prep done in advance (go you!) all that’s left is for you to relax, smile and enjoy yourself on the day. For bonus points, load up our Boss Lady Brand Photoshoot Spotify Playlist and do some hip shimmying while you’re getting your shots! 😉

Ready to get your perfect shot?

Let’s do it! Just download our free Free Photoshoot Map Template and plan your shoot to perfection. 📸

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